My 3 sculptures - Plan


Baby lying in a cot (like the one in the museum). Everything painted white except for wood on the cot which will be distressed (inspired by the beat up door of the seclusion room at the museum). 

Childs face and torso. Normal smiling - more sinister - eyes shifting - eyes turning black - Mouth changing into monsters. 

"Mable, a 40-year-old housewife threatened to drown her children and got as far as running with one child towards the sea." Ocean waves in the background, child laughter (normal and distorted), Child saying "mama, hello mama, help" "look at me", screams, whispers, screeches.


Woman lying on a mattress. Made out of paper mache, no facials, painted white with a straight jacket on. Mattress not white, filled with straw. (inspired by mattress in a seclusion room at the museum). 

Snakes crawling all over her body, biting, wounds.

"Gertrude, suffered from delusions that snakes were biting her and so constantly scratches and punched herself to relieve the pain." Hissing snake noises, rustles (leaves and straw), screams, panicked voice "please get them off me, help, get me out of here."


Blank painting with destroyed chair hanging half out of it half on the flour. Painting and its frame painted white. Chair distressed (inspired by the beat up door of the seclusion room at the museum).

Painting of black woman turning into an evil 'monster' with horns.

"George smashed furniture and destroyed a painting he 'imagined to be a black woman or a black beast'." Different voices: "look at me" "no don't look at her" "She will try to hurt you again" "laughter" "LOOK AT ME" growling, scary music, crashing and breaking. 

Production Plan

What i need to get:
  • Painting
  • Paper, glue, table, and clingfilm for paper mache. 
  • fabric glue
  • Wood for baby cot.
  • Straw
  • More white paint
  • Something to make a straight jacket.